Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Is Google Changing the Way we think?

Personally, I think that our brains can be trained to recognize and pay more attention to certain visually attractive pieces of information more than others.
I believe that is why ADD is a common "disease" amoung children and adolescents these days. Information is presented to us in streams that are constantly redirecting our foucs and attention (I.E. tv, commercials, pop-ups, facebook, movies, myspace, etc. ) How can we focus for a long period of time if all of our forms of entertainment and media are constantly shifting visually?
However, I do not blame google or just the internet for this culural obsession with the visually attractive (for lack of a better word). I think all forms of media have contributed to attention deficit at some point. I do think that we are affected by distractions, but i don not think the specific way we read ( as afunction of the brain) is affected. I read that entire article on the internet the same way i read a book; one sentence at the time. I think reading COMPREHENSION is affected by certain attention span deficints, but just as our brains can be trained by attention grabbing visuals, our brains can be trained to focus without distraction. the beauty of the human brain is that it can be trained.

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