Monday, November 30, 2009

Final Reflection

I can honestly say I have really enjoyed this class. I was not aware of half of the technology available to teachers and students until taking the class. I also appreciate the opportunity to not only express my opinions about issues affecting the use of technology in schools, but actively research and find solutions to each problem or issue. I also appreciate this class because it showed me how to create a fun and interesting learning environment for my students by incorporating the use of technology in my class room. I was not aware of the many different ways technology could enhance the learning experience of my students.
I not only see the benefits of this class for my career as a teacher but I enjoyed doing podcasts, blogging, and researching for our group projects and discussions. This is a great class, honestly. Dr. Tashbin also created a stress-free environment for us which I greatly appreciated!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Glut of Google....

This article was hilariously true. I have researched the internet many many times for the cause of common everyday ailments and come up with a list of possible disease I may have. For example, recently I Googled "fatigue" and discovered that I may have clinical depression, Lupus, or -my favorite- chronic fatigue syndrome. "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" is a fancy term for sleep other words more sleep is the simple cure for my list of diseases that Google told me I had.
I do agree with the solution suggested by the article. I do think medical content should be filtered more. I think that medical websites should allow you to your age, symptoms, family history, and question or complaint before offering unnecessary prognosis' to feed the already paranoid tendency of the human brain.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Networked Student

I feel like I may have wasted thousands of dollars on a college education at this point...except for this class of course. I believe once again that a quote from Good Will Hunting definitely applies here."How do you feel knowing that you waited 150,000 on an education you could have gotten at the public library for $1.50?"
With each blog assignment I learn more about information that I did not know was out there. Not only do I continue to be surprised by new information, but I am even more surprised at how much of that information was right under my nose and I had no idea that access to it was a mouse-click away. I keep thinking about all the hours I have spent researching for projects when I could have had a Google reader or an rss feed help me out so much!
This blog makes me excited to be a teacher. This blog makes me want to let everyone know how easy they can make the learning process! Once you become aware of how easy research can be , the stress level for school goes way down..

This is How we dream

I agree with Mr. Miller, the use of libraries and printed books is not as common as it used to be. This means that the way composition is used and taught in school should change. This affects me directly because I am going to be a high school English teacher. I myself need to become more familiar with visual and media literacy. I think we should change our English curriculum to not only include correct grammar skills in composition but ways that composition can translate into this new media-based world we are a part of.
English and humanities should be at the forefront of changing the way students think and write creatively. English is becoming a boring subject because outside of senior year and college thesis' students do not see a useful practical need for writing skills. If we found a way to implement creative visual arts with writing skills and provide a way for students to share and publish their creations...we might get a few more students interested in the way they present themselves through writing professionally and intelligently. Even if they aren't interested we can at least get them to recognize the impact they can potentially have on their own entertainment media culture.

What I found out about the NML project

I think it is fantastic that a group of researchers took the initiative to attempt to define a new set of "basic skills" that are necessary to function in an ever-changing technological culture. These researchers are attempting to bridge the gap between education and popular culture by explaining the necessity and affect of these new skills in today's society. In essence, this will change the way students are "socialized" in schools.
It is important to note that this project points out that media literacy is no longer reserved for entertainment and "social" networking. Media Literacy and the skills mentioned can contribute to the construction and distribution of the creative mind and its capabilities. I think it is great that they gathered information from a team of researchers that have had direct educational impacts on their community-in other words not researchers who send surveys or sit in a cubicle all day but people with field experience who are active members of the new particapatory culuture. This speaks to the authenticity of the project and the true impact it will have on the world, especially when it comes to the expansion of creative thought and educational opportunities.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

NML project

After watching this short video, I feel the most professional, necessary response to it is… “ well duh!” If you are above the age of three and do not live In a cave, then you need to be able to multitask and colaborate with others to achieve collective intelligence in the 21st century. Distributed cognition is also valuable because not only should you be able to think critically academically but you should analyze each obstacle, situation, or decision in your life critically and thoroughly in order to become a successful and productive individual. ‘
You , at this point in the 21st century, should be familiar with transmedia navigation in order to at the very least keep track of the social networks your child is a part of and the amount of information about yourself that is online in order to be cautious of identity theft. You should also be aware of ways to use networks to gain easy access to information and knowledge, expand your contacts, keep in touch with friends/family easier, and be aware of the ways that networking can provide ways to promote yourself in order to help your career.
Visualization, performance, judgement and negotiation all involve a new awakening of the creative mind. In the 21st century there is no excuse not have good communication skills. There is also, in my opinion, nothing preventing each person from having some sort of creative outlet, especially with the millions of ways to access free entertainment media.
I wish I could tell you that I have mastered all these skills. I can tell you that I possess all of them, and being an active citizen of the 21st century I am always open to learning new ways of improving myself through each of these skills. I am not the best multi-tasker, nor do I always take advantage of the available tools for communication and expression, but I recognize their value in the 21st century especially when it comes to education and the future minds of the world. Each of these skills are necessary to turn the next generation into productive citizens as well.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Ipods in the Classroom; what I found

The most useful site I found on implementing the use of ipods in classroom instruction was It included articles on what schools are using ipods in the classrooms and how. It also provided a links to other sites featuring the latest technology for teachers and how to use it in the classroom. All in all, this site would be the most useful for educators to learn how to effectively use ipods in the classrooms.
I did find a few articles on the use ipods in the classroom. Most simply pointed out that most schools still see ipods as a distracting tool for entertainments to be kept out of the classroom to keep from distracting students. However, there are some schools such as Duke University who gave ipods to incoming freshman to use in order to upload recorded lectures, research material, labs, etc. and was so successful with this experiment that they have now started providing ipods to all incoming freshman. Ipods in the classroom would improve students learning in my opinion because it allows students to learn where ever they go.

Itunes U

Itunes U is going to be useful to students everywhere but for me specifically this is about to be a lifesaver. I am amoung the many studetns who work and go to school and try to have a personal life. During what little personal time I have I like to run and workout. However, I dont get to do this as much as I would like because of tasks such as studying, doing hw, more studying, etc. However, Itunes U would allow me to combine the two because I already like to listen to my ipod when I run or workout and now I will be able to listen to what I am supposed to be studying or researching! In other words Itunes U is going to allow me to multi-task, have more free-time, and still be a good student!

Dr, Christie's Site

Wow, I am so impressed with this site! Dr. Christie's site literally has everything you need to implement technology in a classroom.Not only does it offer resources and links for teachers but it also provides tools for students to use fro research, homework, or simply learning about the internet. She is a genius! I really appreciate all the hard work she and her team put into creating this site ! This is wonderful, it's organized , it's easy to navigate, and it's the most useful site I've come across so far in this class.
It can definitely help me in my future career as an English teacher. I now have a place that not only contains teaching materials but tools necessary for my students to research easily and safely. It also provides a place for me to learn about the new technology available for me to use personally or in the classroom . For example, I was unaware of the Internet public Library or the existence of electronic portfolios. The Internet Public Library will provide a place for students to access books or research materials for assignments. An Electronic Portfolio will better prepare me for the job market because it will give employers and easier more efficient way to view my records and resume rather than keeping up with a huge file filled with a huge stack of papers.
These are just two of the things I found useful on this site but Im sure that upon further browsing I will be using this site and its tools, applications, and resources for years to come!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Mr. McClung

This is what I wrote to Mr. McClung,
Hi Mr. Mcclung, I am in Mr. Tashbin's EDM 310 class and had to read your blog for my class. I found it helpful because as a future teacher I will admit I am nervous on how to make sure I am attentive to my students while accomplishing what is required of me as a teacher (paperwork, lesson planning, etc.) This blog reminded me not to view my career in the classroom as a to-do list but a place for passion, knowledge and creativity. After all, I became a teacher to inspire students to want to learn and be passionate about it, if i view my job as an objective list- i am not contributing to the idea that learning is fun, entertaining and should be full of passion and enthusiasm on both the giving and receiving end.

When -if-ever- can we trust wikipedia?

The answer to this question is long as wikipedia is open for editing we can never trust it. I understand the premise behind leaving articles open for editing. Ideally, the creators of wikipedia are hoping that someone who knows more about a subject of an article will post what they know. However, until there is a better system of checking the information and the authenticiy of its sources I will never trust wikipedia.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

thoughts on Mr. Winkle wakes ( I already did this :( but saved it on my pc and didnt publish it! im a smart one!)

Apparently his point is that schools are behind when it comes to incorporating technology into classroom instruction. My response to that--maybe in some schools. I had a different expeerience. Most of my knowledge of technolgy came from not only from school projects but from tools used in classroom instruction.
One could use the argument that funds for "gadgets" in the classroom are not available and that may be true but it depends on the innovation of the teacher. Much of today's tools can be accessed for free such as google presentations, google docs, and can be presented in a classroom setting with a single computer.
He also mentioned that the teaching methods were the same as they were one-hundred years ago; ateacher standing in front of the class lecturing students. I am afraid that classroom teaching methods do lie in the hands of the instructor, but for the most part i dont agree with MR. Winkle wakes.

Is Google Changing the Way we think?

Personally, I think that our brains can be trained to recognize and pay more attention to certain visually attractive pieces of information more than others.
I believe that is why ADD is a common "disease" amoung children and adolescents these days. Information is presented to us in streams that are constantly redirecting our foucs and attention (I.E. tv, commercials, pop-ups, facebook, movies, myspace, etc. ) How can we focus for a long period of time if all of our forms of entertainment and media are constantly shifting visually?
However, I do not blame google or just the internet for this culural obsession with the visually attractive (for lack of a better word). I think all forms of media have contributed to attention deficit at some point. I do think that we are affected by distractions, but i don not think the specific way we read ( as afunction of the brain) is affected. I read that entire article on the internet the same way i read a book; one sentence at the time. I think reading COMPREHENSION is affected by certain attention span deficints, but just as our brains can be trained by attention grabbing visuals, our brains can be trained to focus without distraction. the beauty of the human brain is that it can be trained.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Randy Pausch Last Interview

Wow, honestly, Wow, this was my favorite video thus far. I feel guilty for this but when i first read the assignment for this week i was not looking forward to it. I thought to myself .."wow how am I going to sit and listen to a lecture about technology for over an hour?" After watching this lecture however, I can honestly say that I am beyond moved. By the end of the lecture I was tearing up.
Not only did I learn a little about virtual reality and the imagination behind it, but I gained valuable insight about life from a man who has based his life around hard work and dedication. As I was watching the video I wrote down the quotes and insights that meant the most to me and were the most inspirational. By the end of the video I had two pages worth of quotes, front and back!
From start to finish this video was full of advice for me. I think everyone can learn something that will benefit them in some way, not only in their career but in life. For instance, at the beginning of video before he began talking about his childhood dreams, he spoke about his cancer in a nonchallant manner that fascinated me, partly because he prefaced it with "whenever there is an elephant in the room, intorduce it." It set the stage for the rest of the presentation. It was his way of giving us permission to still see him as a professor and not just a cancer patient. It was very moving from the start. He also talked about wanting to enable the dreams of others..i personally think our goal as teachers should be to enable dreams and to make sure, as mr. pausch put it, that our students "never lose their sense of wonder" and that we as adults know that we still have "permission to dream."
He also talked about his experiences with coaches and mentors that made him who he is today. I can relate to a specific instance he spoke of. "When you screw up and no one notices or tells you, then you should worry because that means they gave up." I heard that from a coach of mine and from then on i appreciated constructive criticism. I also valued another piece of insight i received from Dr. Pausch, " experience is what you get when you dont get the results you wanted." he didnt mean this in a negative sense but was speakig of the indirect lessons learned from mistakes or achievements (like those seen in sports or orgaized activities) such as teamwork, responsibility, or perserverance that are equally as important as the goal itself.
There are a few insights that will benefit me in my career and personal life as well . For example , he spoke of the obstacles he encountered and said "brick walls are there for a reason, to keep out the people who dont want it bad enough. Brick walls are there to test our dedication and perserverance." Wow. if you arent inspiree by that comment you are just inexcusably lazy. He also spoke of karma and the help he received from others. I personally believe that you cant get anywhere in life without help or motivation from some where. he also spoke of personal attitudes and the privelege of being an educator. We get to inspire people and if we can getsomeone to be self reflective we have given them the best gift an educator can give. My goal as ateacher is one that he put into the perfect words, I want "millions of kids to have fun while learning something hard." I also want to be an earnest person like the ones he spoke so highly of .
Of all the quotes I wrote down the two that meant the most to me were at the end of the presentationk, "Are you a tigger or an Eyore?" it is so easy to get boggeddown with the negatives in life but we really should strive to be encouraging and excited about life which brings me to my next quote, perhaps the most moving of all "Have fun because Im dying and I'm having fun!" that quote really put into perspective how short life really is ..its too short to not be happy or satisfied with your life like Dr. Pausch.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Karl Fisch- is it ok for teachers to be tech illiterate

I have come across those teachers who still give chalkboard notes, who still read straight from the book, and still require outlines of notes for class. Seeing as how we are well into the 21st century, these teachers are not only behind on their methods but behind on their attitudes towards updating their methods. These specific teachers I am referring to simply refused to do things differently ..they prefered traditional methods.
I say ask the students. Students will tell you which classes are interesting, which classes they enjoy, which classes they have learned and retained information from. Yes it depends on the teacher, but as a student I can tell you that i paid the most attention in classrooms that allowed me to use technology or incorporated technolgy into their lessons . It could have been as simple as a video or a slide show. I do no for a fact that I did not pay attention to teachers that stood in front of a chalkboard for an entire hour and a half.

Dr. Strange's Wiki . should all teachers be tech literate?

should all teachers be tech literate?
Yes..teachers have no excuse for not being learners themselves. I understand preferring one method of teaching over another ( only if it works..even if it considered old-fashioned by someone else). However, at least be willing to learn how technology can add to current and past methods of teaching to make it more efficient. What kind of teacher objects to something that might help her students better understand the subject matter?
I understand limited resources are available for teachers. This can have an effect on how much technology teachers use in the classroom. If resources are available however, I feel that state-of-the -art educational technology is well worth the investment if it helps a student grasp a concept that they previously would not have understood or even been interested in. For instance, smart boards were introduced in my senior calculus class..everyone wanted a chance to participate in working out problems just so they could use the smart board. This is a specific example of how technology peeked the interest of bored high school seniors.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kelly Hines- It is not about technology

I read her post and I completely agree. Technology should be an addition to great teaching not necessarily a tool that provides great teaching. Teachers should never depend on technology to do the work for them in the classroom but should use technology to make their subject matter peek the interest of their students because let's face it every 21st century student is intrigued by technology whether its for entertainment or communication purposes.
I also agree with what she said about technology only being as innovative as the teacher using it. I have seen it can be fun and intersting, or it can be bore you to tears. It has been my experience as an observer that if a teacher chooses to include the student when using fun and inoovative technology (i.e. blogging about lessons, smart board example problems, game powerpoints, etc) then the teacher commands the attention of the students through pure interest and involvement and therefore has more sucess on test scores and papers etc.

Micheal Wesch - A Vision of the Student Today

I watched this video and I liked it ; it definitely presented the truth about problems college students face on a daily basis. I can only speak for myself, but I have read three volumes' worth of Norton Anthology novels, poems, and short stories and can probably only tell you the plot of about ten to twenty of them. I know that Ihave gone over two semesters worth of Biology diagrams, models, outlines, and texts and would still have trouble tracing the flow of blood through the body. As students we are presented with so much information on a daily basis and in such a short amount of time that we are forced to memorize it for test taking purposes only.It seems to me that the ability of retaining and instantly recalling huge amounts of information are mostly reserved for those who do not have to work and go to school, who do not have families, and do nothing but study. In other words, not me.
The only problem I had with this video is that it presented so many problems ...but hardly any suggestions for solutions. It simply stated that "some believe" that technology will save us, ok; well elaborate please. I wish they would have done a little more research into how technology can offer help with these problems or how the future promises the development of help for these problems. Call me an optimist but that is the main problem I have with so many blogs is that everyone is quick to complain and give an opinion, but not to offer solutions or suggestions to make it better. Overall, this blog did a great job of opening the eyes of its audience to the problems facing students today.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Three Students in Dr. Strange's Class

Maggie Tarver- Michael Wesch - A Vision of Students Today
Maggie made the comment that she has been going to USA for three years and hasnt encountered many of the things shown...I don't see how. I related to almost every problem shown about the life of a student. Overall though, I think Maggie did a good job explaining her opinion but it wasn't always clear throughout her post what point or argument she was making.

Katherine Duren- The importance of Creativity
SHe mentioned something that Ihad not noticed in the video. Teachers really do stress the importance of being perfect in a classroom..that there is a right and wrong answer even in subjects that are subjective such as English or Reading. This makes kids feel more pressure to be right..than to be sucessful. I agree with Katherine she makes an interesting point. I enjoy her blogs more than any others that ive read simply because they are well written and explained thoroughly.

Megan Stewart- Mr. Winkle
First of all, I know Megan Stewart he used to be my roomate and let me tell you, she gets bored easily so the Mr. Winkle video was sincerely intriguing if she said so. I like her because she is honest in her blogs. No one else has told the truth about putting things off or how legitimately surprised they were that something turned out to be interesting when they thought they would be bored to tears!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Reading/ Writing or Listening/ Watching?

The conclusion I drew from this discussion- despite the point Dr. Strange makes- is that writing and reading skills are imperative because we still need to get students to produce what is listened to and watched. These materials start at the very least as ideas on paper, sales pitches to executives, and professional business letters/emails to companies in order to get funding, supplies, etc.Not only that I believe you have to be a good reader and writer in order to be an effective listener and watcher. Reading and Writing develops analytical and critical thinking skills; skills that allow you to think for yourself and not just be brain washed by whatever it is you are listening to and watching

"Shift Happens"

After listening to this podcast about the growth trend of technology and its impact on everyday life , I have come to this conclusion; the fact is technology can no longer be excluded from classroom learning..the sooner teachers realize that ...the better prepared students will be for the future and the changes that come with it.

Should all teachers be technologically literate?

I think all teachers should be technologically literate. Whether teachers want to admit or not the technology age has dawned and is at high noon and there is no longer a way to escape it unless you want to live with the amazon tribes...and even they are being broadcast on documentaries. A teacher by definition is someone who needs a can you expect students to learn if you are not willing to learn yourself? Today, in order for a teacher to effectively communicate and connect with a student a teacher needs to at least be familiar with current communication devices and try to incorporate them into the classroom so that instead of competing with them teachers can use them to better their students. How can we better prepare students for the future if we aren't even a part of the present?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

What I learned from the podcasting links..

I am not kidding I am learning something new everyday with this class. I had no idea how simple it was to record and publish a podcast. I feel that if i learn how to effectively use pod casting in the classroom I will not only be a part of the present modern technological trend but I will also be introducing my students to the future of lectures. I feel that pod casting will soon be a common trend in schools everywhere once all teachers figure out how easy it is!
I learned the most about podcasting from the's video cast about how to produce a pod cast.They have a step by step directions on how to make a pod cast as opposed to some of the other sites who simply explain what a podcast is and what you can do with them. Let's just say that I have found a cure for boredom. From here on out I am probably going to record random things onto my computer and publish them as pod casts just because i can. I am seriously like a little kid with a new toy now.

Notes on Dr. Strange's podcast "Tech Literate Teacher"

This particular podcast was hard for me to watch and listen to simply because it was a little on the boring side. There wasnt much enthusiasm or expression in anyone's voice to keep me very interested in listening to the entire podcast. Also, visually there was absolutely nothing going on. If I am going to watch something, I would like there to be something to watch other than a group of people sitting stiffly with their hands folded and looking nervous.Granted I understand that they are simply having a discussion and not acting out a movie or anything but here are a few things I would do differently to at least make it a little less stiff and boring.
I think if they looked into the camera when discussing a topic (unless they were talking directly to another person) it would be a direct connection with the audience and the audience would in turn pay attention. I also feel that the camera should be closer in order for the audience to feel like they are actively participating in a live discussion. Lastly, WEAR BRIGHTER COLORS...this is cliche but bright colors attract attention and therefore might keep the audience's gaze a little longer. For me in particular, I listen and pay attention to something that draws my attention visually. Overall, their objective was accomplished- they had an inciteful educational discussion

Monday, August 31, 2009

blog 2 podcasts

I will admit, when i first looked at the titles of the podcasts we were going to be listening to, i thought to myself, "great...this is going to be more boring than actually being at the workshop itself.." but as it turns out I was actually surprised by all the useful information i gathered about how todays common technology can be used for educational purposes.
For instance, the first one i listened to was called "teachers teaching teachers" and it was about using podcasts or video casts for the classroom. The thought never actually occurred to me to have podcasts or video casts in a classroom, however now it seems beneficial. For example if you are trying to stress the importance of enunciation, voice expression, descriptive language, and/or articulation to your students then audio podcasts could prove very useful to your classroom. If you are demonstrating something or stressing the significance of movement or body language then video podcasting would prove useful for your classroom. these are both mediums of technology that i never thought of for classroom use before listening to this particular podcast.
I also became aware of another helpful tool for teachers and students alike; google docs. Google Docs creates templates, presentations, and documents capable of mass sharing. For instance, I can create a template, store it on google docs, and someone can browse google docs for my specific template, edit it how they see fit and print it out if they want. This is a highly efficient way to share lesson plans, worksheets, handouts, presentations etc. among educators and students. I think that could be very useful for teachers especially.
All in all Im glad I listened to these podacasts. They were extremely helpful to me simply because I was unaware of how beneficial and efficient they could be in the classsroom unitl now. I will definitely be using podcasts in my future teaching career.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


thoughts on "Did you know?" and "Ted"

Did You Know?

Wow…I never fully appreciated how much technology has changed, evolved, and advanced in the past ten years. Now that I think about it, I am going to sound so old when I tell my kids that I remember when we didn’t have a computer in my house, we didn’t have cell phones, and we actually mailed letters. Even if you don’t know how to use all of it or even if you aren’t aware of the exact use for it, you cannot deny revolutionary advancements of it.
The thought that scared me the most that I haven’t really thought of before is that if you are one in a million in China, there are 1300 people exactly like you…that is a scary thought. There are that many people in the world! It almost makes the world seem infinite…just because of how many people are in the world. It scares me because it makes me wonder what kind of surveys I am going to see in the future…and I am hoping its not something like for every one person in America there is an exact computerized human replica in China (or anywhere else in the world). There is one thing for sure, at the rate technology is evolving my reality in five years might be exactly like one of today’s science fiction movies.

TED Says…
I completely agree with everything he said. As a child I was lucky enough to have parents that encouraged creativity because they themselves were raised to be functional and economical as children. They bought into the idea that in order to support themselves, they needed to concentrate on the skills that would guarantee a job even if it was something they did not enjoy. My father started out with a career that required creative skill but after years of struggling to support a family with that salary he was forced to go back to school in order to obtain a degree that would ensure a lucrative future…an associates degree in computer programming…he hated it, but he finished it. As a kid watching him, I slowly but surely noticed the passion for life fade from him as he worked, went to school, and tried to maintain a good relationship with me and my mom. I resolved at age 11, never to have a “job.” My mother embraces the idea that I can make something of myself and be creative and I agree so I chose teaching. I in fact chose the one subject where creativity is encouraged and discouraged all in the same subject heading…English and Language Arts. That’s why the Shakespeare analogy hit home with me.
English involves critical thinking and creative writing. Add the study of literature in the mix and one cannot help but defy the social and institutional standards set for the study of English. By studying literature, kids can grasp a form of creativity that can be nourished and made into a career. Without realizing it those who socialized education by making it functional with the “no child left behind” standards actually created an outlet for creative thinkers!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hi! I am Sarah Hall! I am 20 years old and i am currently a junior at south. I am a secondary education major with a double major in language other words i want to be a highschool english teacher! I am excited about this class simply because..I dont know as much about computers and technology as i should and I would like to learn as much as possible least enough to catch up with current technology anyway! SOmething interesting about me...hmm..thats a tough a personal trainer at omni health and fitness ..and i am aslo a figure competitor..its like bodybuilding but we maintain our femininity. :) well hope you all enjoy this class as much as i will!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Is anyone else having trouble getting their link to show up as a button?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog! This is going to be fun! I feel somewhat up-to-date with tools of modern technology now...this is a new feeling...I kind of like it! Hopefully youll enjoy reading my opinions and comments! :) have a wonderful day!! :)